Friday, 6 October 2017

NOUNS and Kind of nouns :


A noun is a naming word that is used to name living beings , places , things , ideas and feelings .
   Example  :  ( a ) Anamika is a clever girl .
     ( b )  His honesty impresses everyone .
In the given sentences  Anamika , girl , honesty are nouns.

Kind of nouns :

1. Proper nouns

2 . Common nouns

3 . Collective nouns

4. Material nouns

5. Abstract nouns

1 .Proper nouns 

             Nouns that name particular places , person , or objects are called proper nouns .
Examples : Sachin Tendulkar , Mumbai , India , Patna etc

2. Common nouns

                Nouns that name persons , places or objects of the same kind are common nouns .
        Example : book , pen , boy , girl , river , mountain , town etc

Fleming ' s rules

Fleming ' s rules

Power Grid powergridindia.com Diploma Trainee Exam Pattern 2017

Power Grid powergridindia.com Diploma Trainee Exam Pattern 2017
SN NONo of the PartNames of the SubjectsTotal No of QuestionsTotal No of MarksExam Duration
1Part – IProfessional Knowledge Test of respective discipline120 Questions 120 Marks2 Hours

Part – IISupervisory Aptitude Test (for Diploma Trainees and Junior Officer Trainee, HR)50 questions50 marks
2General Aptitude Test (for Assistant-Finance)
Total170 Questions170 Marks120 Minutes
  1. Supervisory Aptitude Test or General Aptitude Test consists of questions from vocabulary, verbal comprehension, quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, ability to determine data sufficiency, interpretation of graphs/ charts/ tables, numerical ability etc.
  2. Professional Knowledge Test consists of Technical subjects related to the discipline (Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Mechanical etc)

Electrical engineering MCQ

  1.      1  .    Ripple frequency of the output waveform of full wave rectifier ,when fed with a 50Hz sine wave is         A) 25 Hz      B...