A noun is a naming word that is used to name living beings , places , things , ideas and feelings .
Example : ( a ) Anamika is a clever girl .
( b ) His honesty impresses everyone .
Example : ( a ) Anamika is a clever girl .
( b ) His honesty impresses everyone .
In the given sentences Anamika , girl , honesty are nouns.
Kind of nouns :
1. Proper nouns
2 . Common nouns
3 . Collective nouns
4. Material nouns
5. Abstract nouns
1 .Proper nouns
Nouns that name particular places , person , or objects are called proper nouns .
Examples : Sachin Tendulkar , Mumbai , India , Patna etc
2. Common nouns
Nouns that name persons , places or objects of the same kind are common nouns .
Example : book , pen , boy , girl , river , mountain , town etc